Meet Our
Senior Pastor, Tabernacle Baptist Church

Dr. Hinton is a native of Hamilton, Georgia and a 1981 graduate of Harris County High School. He has prepared himself professionally and theologically for success as a leader. He has an Associate Degree from Truett-McConnell College in Cleveland, GA (1983), a B.A. in Psychology and Sociology from Piedmont College in Demorest, Georgia (1985), a Master of Divinity Degree from the Morehouse School of Religion and the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) in Atlanta, GA. (1988). Dr. Hinton also earned his Doctor of Ministry Degree from the I.T.C. (1994). He was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Saint Thomas Christian College in Jackson, Fla. (2010). He is also a Certified Life Coach (2012)
Dr. Hinton was licensed to preach in 1982 (age 19) and ordained in 1984 by the Friendship Baptist Church in Hamilton, GA. He served as the pastor of the Friendship Baptist Church in Toccoa, GA (1983-1991). Dr. Hinton has served as the senior pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Gastonia, N.C. since March 1991, where the church has experienced tremendous holistic growth and transformation under his visionary leadership. TBC has a weekly television broadcast that shares the gospel to thousands in NC & SC.

Family lIfe
He is married to the former Tangela White of Macon, Georgia. Minister Tangela Hinton also serves as a partner in ministry as Director of Christian Education of the Tabernacle Church and partner in H.E.N. Ministries. They are blessed with two sons, Benjamin Hinton, II and Nathaniel Hinton.
Above all, Dr. Hinton understand his personal passion and vision of ministry:
“I have been divinely called and commissioned as a 21st Century change agent for Christ; committed to educating and equipping for victorious Kingdom living and service to the glory of God” (Eph. 4:11-16).
Worship Center: Once you enter the main foyer, you’ll find friendly greeters and signs to assist you with directions to the nursery, classrooms, the sanctuary, and restrooms.
Leader in Ministry and Community
As an anointed and gifted leader, he is well sought out as a preacher, evangelist, teacher and facilitator. He has taught, lectured, and preached across the nation in countless mainline denominations. To name a few: the General Missionary Baptist State Convention of NC., State Congress of Christian Education, Evangelism Committee, and Ministers Council, and the N.C. Baptist State Convention. He serves on the faculty of the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
Along with his pastoral duties Dr. Hinton is committed to help impact the broader community through his leadership and active involvement in numerous community organizations, which he serves:
- Board of Directors Community
- Foundation of Gaston County
- Board of Directors of the Gaston County United Way
- Board of Directors of Gaston Together
- Dean of the Gaston County Missionary Baptist Association Training Institute
- Secretary of the Ordination Council, and former First Vice-Moderator
- President of H.E.N. (Hinton Empowerment Network Ministries, LLC)
Dr. Hinton has received numerous awards and recognition for outstanding leadership including Gaston County MLK Unity Award Recipient 2014. He is a published author of three books, Unshakable Faith, Stay Focused & Watch God and The Power of Your Focus.